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Industrial Relations

eFactoryapp: The All-in-One Manufacturing Management Platform.

Industrial Relations teams in manufacturing companies face a unique set of challenges, including:

  • Maintaining positive employee-employer relations
  • Negotiating and managing collective bargaining agreements
  • Resolving employee grievances and disputes
  • Ensuring compliance with all applicable labor and employment laws and regulations
  • Supporting the company's manufacturing operations and strategic goals.

eFactoryapp is an all-in-one manufacturing management platform that provides a comprehensive set of features and capabilities to help industrial relations teams overcome their unique challenges. Here are just a few of the ways that eFactoryapp is helping them:

  • Maintain positive employee-employer relations: eFactoryapp's employee engagement module can help industrial relations department teams to maintain positive employee-employer relations by providing tools to track employee engagement and satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and implement initiatives to improve employee-employer relations.

  • Negotiate and manage collective bargaining agreements: eFactoryapp's CBA management module can help industrial relations department teams to negotiate and manage CBAs by providing tools to track and manage CBAs, including tools to track contract expiration dates, manage contract negotiations, and generate reports on CBA compliance.

  • Resolve employee grievances and disputes: eFactoryapp's grievance management module can help industrial relations department teams to resolve employee grievances and disputes by providing tools to track and manage employee grievances, including tools to track the status of grievances, manage grievance investigations, and generate reports on grievance trends.

  • Ensure compliance with all applicable labor and employment laws and regulations: eFactoryapp's compliance management module can help industrial relations department teams to ensure compliance with all applicable labor and employment laws and regulations by providing tools to identify and assess compliance risks, develop and implement compliance programs, and track compliance performance. eFactoryapp's compliance management module also provides tools to generate reports that can be used to demonstrate compliance to regulatory authorities.

  • Support the company's manufacturing operations and strategic goals: eFactoryapp's IRM module can help industrial relations department teams to support the company's manufacturing operations and strategic goals by providing tools to manage all aspects of the industrial relations function, from employee engagement to CBA management to grievance management. eFactoryapp's IRM module also provides tools to generate reports that can be used to track employee engagement trends, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about the company's industrial relations strategy.

eFactoryapp is the all-in-one manufacturing management platform that can help production planning teams through a comprehensive set of features and capabilities that are specifically designed to help industrial relations department teams maintain positive employee-employer relations, negotiate and manage CBAs, resolve employee grievances and disputes, ensure compliance with all applicable labor and employment laws and regulations, and support the company's manufacturing operations and strategic goals.

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